About Scents of Purpose


Our Mission for the past 12 years 


Scents of Purpose was born out of the necessity to help others. Our family relocated to California Back in 2008 from the East Coast. While driving through the downtown area known as Skid Row, we were overwhelmed by the large number of people living on the street. 


We were shocked and horrified to see mothers and children holding up signs that pleaded for work or money so they could buy food. After settling into our new lives in Malibu, we were haunted by the images we had seen downtown. Coming from the east coast, we were no strangers to the homeless problem in New York City, however, Los Angeles's numbers were beyond anything we had seen.


 Here we were 35 miles away, surrounded by abundance and luxury while people were going to bed hungry every night. I had to do something. The State of California was desperately trying to house and feed these people, but the economic situation made it impossible to help everyone. 


Against friend's concerns, we just decided one day to buy lots of food, cook it and drive it downtown with my family, The first week, we served about 50 people the and within a year, we were serving more than 500 people each night we went down! We weren’t wealthy, and we knew we couldn’t keep using our savings, the cost became a financial dilemma for us. We were spending thousands each month on food. Turning away hungry people was upsetting and giving up was not an option. We needed a solution. 


One morning I ( Bobbie), got down on my knees and prayed for guidance. Then I meditated ..and then, I may have fallen asleep since I remember snapping out of a semi-sleep state and having this entire concept in my head. 


 The answer I received was to start a candle company to support this cause. Which was funny. I knew nothing about candle-making. This is why the inside of our boxes say “ Divinely Inspired “ I truly believe my companies vision came from a higher source.


 Never having made a candle in my life, I set out to educate myself on the process of making them. I got a job at one of the largest candle factories in the country. I worked a few months and was appalled at all cancer-causing chemicals that are in most wax candles. How they add harmful chemicals just so that the color stays bright or sticks to the glass. I knew there had to be a better way. 


Being a mother, a pet owner, and a candle lover this was at the forefront of my creative process in developing Scents Of Purpose. 


My goal was to create a candle of the highest quality,100%, non-toxic, eco friendly that I could burn in confidence and so safe it could even be used as a hand cream. We also tested our product on our 3 dogs' paws. Within weeks the cracks of their pads healed. If they licked it off, we didn’t have to worry.


Together with my dear friend Dr. Lisa Benya of Malibu Medical, and after 2 years of research and development, We finally created a product of the highest quality that smelled amazing, and a product we would be proud to put our names behind.


Since 2010 We have donated a portion of each candle sale to a couple of different causes: the Skid Row Project, Promises Foundation, and Animal Rescue. We have added many new charitable causes that help Children/ Animals & our Veterans over the years.


 Since 2010, SOP has purchased cooked and served over 100k hot home-cooked meals besides donating to other charitable causes. 


Scents of Purpose is an eco-friendly company, and by purchasing our products you are not only helping others in need but also helping our planet. Our Goal in 2022 is to continue growing and continuing to help the planet...ONE CANDLE AT A TIME. 


~Peace & Progress~


Wishing you all a very happy and healthy 2021 holiday season 

The Cattanese Family

Lars, Bobbie, Jamie, Elia, Robyn, Zor & Odin 


To order: www.scentsofpurpose.org




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